Sacramento Advocates for Rail and Transit
Sacramento Advocates for Rail and Transit is a not-for-profit, broad-based coalition of business, labor, transportation, environmental, neighborhood, faith-based, and community leaders founded in 2019 to educate, organize, and advocate for expanded and improved rail and transit services for the Sacramento region.
SMART’s charter guides the purpose and governance of the organization.
The Sacramento region should have an innovative, seamless, and diversified transportation network offering a wide range of accessible, affordable, and efficient mobility choices coupled with supportive land uses. The transportation network should also strengthen and diversify our economy, improve our air quality, and reduce carbon emissions and vehicle miles traveled by minimizing single occupancy vehicle trips, expanding and improving public transit and shared mobility services, and providing safe access for bicyclists and pedestrians.
All community members, and particularly those from underserved communities, should have access to sustainable and affordable mobility options that facilitate positive community outcomes for public health and safety, livability, and economic vitality. In short, virtually all residents and visitors in the Sacramento region should have the option of living, working, and playing within walking distance or a transit stop from everything they need.
Guiding Priciples
Fund Transit Projects
Priority funding in the Sacramento region should go to projects and programs that make bus, light rail, and passenger train rides faster, safer, cleaner, more convenient, more frequent, more reliable, and more affordable.
Fund Transit Operators
Sacramento Regional Transit (SacRT) and other rail and transit operators in our region should receive more funding to plan and build infrastructure that improves connectivity countywide and throughout the region, closes first and last mile gaps, reduces travel times, and increases frequency and coverage of service.
Expand Connections
Local and regional transportation plans should improve transit connections to higher education campuses and major employment centers and leverage state and federal dollars to improve passenger and commuter rail service to the Bay Area and Northern California mega-region.
Transit Equity
Local and regional transportation plans should provide funding for transit to those areas with large populations not currently served by adequate transit.
Improve Bus Infrastructure
Local and regional transportation plans should provide funding for road improvements needed to implement Bus Rapid Transit and Peak-Hour Transit-Only Lanes and necessary technological and efficiency improvements for such service.